Personal Data Request

Last updated December 18, 2024

1) Request Personal Data

How to request to download the data Phantom Gamelabs stores regarding your account:

  • Send email to with a subject “Personal data request”

  • In the message write your Player ID (found in the Riftbusters game’s ‘Settings’ menu) and an email address you would like to get the personal data sent

After we receive the email, we will begin compiling your personal data and aim to complete the process within 30 days of the request.

2) Delete Game Account

How to request to delete your game account and corresponding personal data:

  • Within the game, go to the ‘Settings’ menu, then choose ‘Delete Account’ and follow the instructions to activate the account deletion process.

After the deletion process has been activated, the account and associated personal data will be removed within 24h time window from the servers and databases.


What data does Riftbusters collect?

We may ask your email address or store payment information for in-game purchases. For details on the information Phantom Gamelabs collects and stores please see our Privacy Policy. If you have any further questions, you can reach us at

How long will it take to get a copy of my account data or to process an account deletion request?

We aim to provide a copy of your account data and/or process account deletion requests within 30 days from the time of request submission.